20 spots available for Staccato’s Playoff Pool


The Canucks have clinched the Northwest division title and Staccato’s NHL Playoff Pool is back again this year. Lord Stanley’s Cup is up for grabs with sixteen teams vying to have their names engraved on the hardware. For the rest of us, we can dream of having our name inked on a $750 Gift Certificate from Staccato Menswear.

Normally pool entries are limited to Staccato clientele but Kitsilano.ca has arranged for 20 spots to be made available to our readers.

Interested? Follow these three steps to get entered:

  1. Add your name and email address to Staccato’s database here
  2. Register for the playoff pool online here (deadline to enter is Tuesday the 14th at midnight)
  3. Sign on and pick your first round winners

Why enter? A $750 Staccato Gift Certificate and bragging rights of course. And everyone who enters gets a $20 Gift Certificate. Not a bad deal.

Last modified: April 13, 2009

2 Responses to " 20 spots available for Staccato’s Playoff Pool "

  1. Dale says:

    Looks like it must be full up. It was willing to take my e-mail address and add it into the database, but doesn’t recognize my e-mail address when I try to sign up for the pool. Thanks anwyway – Hockey pools are a blast. Go ‘nucks!

  2. Anonymous says:

    The e-mail came through a short time later – I guess it just takes a couple of minutes. Good luck to everyone.