Point Grey Wine Cellar in Kits


Point Grey Wine Cellar

Point Grey Wine Cellar by Larry Yatkowsky

As our resident forensic journalist Rob detailed back last summer, the Liquor Store Income Fund (of Liquor Barn and Liquor Depot fame) owns and runs the Kitsilano Wine Cellar and 200 other liquor stores across BC.

Well, make that 201. Yattermatters Larry informed us a while ago that Point Grey Wine Cellar recently opened their doors at 3338 West Broadway (@ Blenheim). It’s a little curious that they called it the Point Grey Wine Cellar, but I guess Kitsilano Wine Cellar II would have been just as weird.

According to Larry, the store will specialize in beers and wines from around the world with the highlight being specialty beers. The staff claims some of these will be relatively unknown to local connoisseurs. On one of the images that Larry sent us, I was able to spot three different kinds of Chimay! I’ll definitely have to go check it out soon.

Last modified: March 3, 2009

4 Responses to " Point Grey Wine Cellar in Kits "

  1. local says:

    Just another attempt by the Liberals to squeeze out the provincial liquor stores – and by the way, why is the awning spelled “Point Gray”?

    Gordo is giving out liquor licences to his buddies as well as subsidising the wholesale liquor to the shops in the hopes of eventually sqeezing shut the very lucrative but union run provincial liquor stores. This will end up with booze costing us more (just as it does in the privatized Alberta system) and choice being limited to what the stores choose to offer.

  2. Erik says:

    Yeah, the Point *Gray* is a bit unfortunate. Equally unfortunate is that on their corporate website they spells Kits as “Kitsalano”.

  3. Bill Barilko says:

    How about the sign that say something about IDing those under 40 years of age?


  4. Erik says:

    Went in today and to my disappointment no Chimay 🙁 They rotate the foreign beers and I was out of luck today.

    What they did have were some nice looking German beers, the usual Quebecois heavy-weights, as well as some intriguing looking Asian beers.