Stuff White People Like – Kitsilano Mention


Stuff White People Like - YogaI will admit that I have looked at the odd Stuff White People Like entry. Probably because white people like Stuff White People Like. Anyway, I forget how I got there, but the other day I stumbled on one of the early entries: #15 – Yoga. Its opening sentence:

Although its origins are from India, one can find more yoga studios in white neighbourhoods such as Kitsilano or Orange County than in Kolkata.

And included in the post was this very same lululemon image.

Pretty funny I thought. But it turns out this mention is actually not as unlikely as one might think. SWPL founder Christian Ladner is a Canadian expat living in LA, and this particular post’s author – mylosh – is a Toronto expat living in East Van.

Last modified: December 28, 2008

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