Kitsilano Smells


There are two places in Kits that I pass on a regular basis with very distinct smells. The first, and perhaps most obvious, is the Molson Brewery. While I don’t really mind the rather strong yeast smell breweries produce, I can’t say it’s my favourite when I ride by at 8am in the morning. Given its location though, I doubt that many people have a problem with the brewery smells, as I usually don’t start smelling it until I’m right next to it.

The second very distinct smell comes on my ride home. Without fail, the absolutely wonderful, garlicy smells produced by The Noodle Box hit my nostrils as I ride up Cypress. They linger for about a block or two, long enough to make my mouth water and wish I could stop for take-out every day. I do wonder though what the Box’s neighbours think of them. The smell really is very strong, and I bet I would grow sick of it very quick if I had to smell it all evening.

Any other places in Kits with distinct smells? (besides Kitsilano Sushi 😉 )

Last modified: December 14, 2008

8 Responses to " Kitsilano Smells "

  1. Erik V. says:

    My wife just reminded me of another one: Church’s Chicken (Broadway & Arbutus). This place is right behind the apartment we first rented. In the summertime, with the patio door open, we would often be treated to the delicious smells of fried chicken…

  2. Christine says:

    My alltime favourite smell from childhood was fish & chips, vinegar and salt water at Jericho Beach. Heaven.

  3. darren says:

    The Church’s Chicken smell is probably the fact that it’s attached to a gas station.

    A classic – Viva Bakery on Yew in the morning!

  4. Mark says:

    The one smell I’m all too familiar with living @ Balsam and 4th is McDonald’s … After a while it becomes repulsive.

  5. Bill Barilko says:

    That’s not Noodle Box you smell while cycling on Cypress it’s Win’s on 4th, I live on Cypress and cycle up/down the street constantly.

    The smells are quite different I know Win’s menu and can tell what’s being fried, sometime I can smell Win’s when I open my kitchen window.

  6. Jon says:

    Lush cosmetics on 4th. Either you love it or hate it..

  7. Erik V. says:

    Jon, you are SO right. There’s no escaping Lush. And I fit squarely in the hate column 🙂

  8. Karrie says:

    When I worked at a Pet Store in Coquitlam, Tony Roma’s bbq ribs in the summer time was torture.. it smelled so good the dog food started to look appetizing.