Thanksgiving Wine at The Broadway International Wine Shop


Stumped for what wine to serve with your (Indish) turkey this Thanksgiving? The Broadway International Wine Shop can help. Throughout the store they have put turkey symbols on wines that they think are well suited for Thanksgiving dinner.

Turkey Symbol

And if you don’t completely trust their judgment, drop in Saturday or Sunday between 4pm and 7pm for a tasting of these “turkey” wines.

[UPDATE:] If you can’t make it out to the Broadway International Wine Shop this weekend, check out Buzz Bishop’s Wine Wednesday post for some suggestions.

Last modified: October 10, 2008

2 Responses to " Thanksgiving Wine at The Broadway International Wine Shop "

  1. bz says:

    Great idea!

    My wife works in the wine industry, so I hit her up for a few suggestions.

    Her curveball is the Wolf Blass Shiraz Viognier.. not many do red with turkey, but this one does it up right!

  2. Erik V. says:

    Darn, that’s right. You did a Thanksgiving Wine Wednesday. Totally forgot about that. For those who haven’t seen it, check it out.