Tour de Fun comes through Kits


To kick-start a new season of Climate Cafés meets, the Climate Cafés Collective has organized the Tour de Fun, a bike ride from the UBC student union to Grandview Park on the Drive:

  • What: Tour de Fun – the most fun bike rally in recent memory
  • Who: You, me and the rest of the Climate Café team
  • When: Sunday September 14th, 10:45-12:30
  • Where: Starting at the south side of the UBC Student Union Building on the UBC Campus – 6138 STUDENT UNION BOULEVARD, finishing on the Drive
  • Why: Because there’s no better way to love the environment than cycling
  • How Much: Not a penny

To RSVP, please email John Horn.

Given that the ride will make a stop at Granville Island it is safe to assume part of the ride will go through Kitsilano, presumably either along the Seawall route or along the West 8th/7th bike route. And with the current weather forecast, this should indeed be Fun.

Last modified: September 10, 2008

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