The Eagle has (Crash) Landed


Vanier Park Eagle - Photo by Martin PasschierBack in February I excitedly reported that the Eagles were back on their Vanier Park nest, getting ready to brood.

In contrast to last year, when both chicks died after about two weeks, this year’s single chick made it to the fledging stage. Unfortunately, the chick appears to have tried to fledge a little prematurely, as it ended up falling from the nest. However, unlike the Merilees Trail chick, the Vanier Park chick survived the fall and was transported to O.W.L. – the Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society – in Delta, where it remains today.

The Stanley Park Ecology Society reports that, overall, this year’s urban eagle nests have done very well, as they most likely will produce 16 successful fledglings. Significantly more than last year’s fairly disastrous crop of 6, and one more than the 15 fledglings from 2006.

Photo of the Vanier Park Eagle Nest by Martin Passchier on the SPES site

Last modified: August 26, 2008

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