Drink Up, Kitsilano – The Canada Cup of Beer Returns this Weekend


Howdy folks – since this is my first post, I should probably introduce myself. I’m Erik MacKinnon – you’ll come to know me as Erik M. here on Kitsilano.ca (the other Erik being the long-time contributor Erik V.) I’ve edited and written numerous blogs over the past few years and I jumped at the opportunity to be a part-time contributor here on Kitsilano.ca. Hopefully you’ll find my posts useful, informative… or at least somewhat entertaining!

Canada Cup of Beer Logo

This Saturday July 5th, UBC’s Thunderbird Stadium is playing host to the 2008 Canada Cup of Beer. The festival / competition was founded by JustHereForTheBeer.com and RateBeer.com two years ago as a way to replicate the success of Victoria’s Great Canadian Beer Festival, held in September in Victoria BC. This year’s event will have more than thirty breweries and over 150 different types of beer to sample – which means you’ll probably be best prepared with $2.50 to catch a lift home on the B-Line, although Get Home Safe is listed as a sponsor so you may end up with a free bus fare. What a deal!

If you want to make a weekend of it, there’s a sweet package deal which includes a Friday night ‘Beer and a Movie’ at the Ridge Theatre – located at 3131 Arbutus Street at 15th Ave. For $25 total you can attend a movie, enjoy two Vancouver Island Brewery beers, and it also includes your ticket to the Canada Cup of Beer on Saturday. The movie is Roman de Gare – the story of Judith Ralitzer, a popular writer, who is anxiously seeking unexpected characters for her next best-seller. And, as luck would have it, a serial killer, with a penchant for magic tricks has just escaped from a high-security prison…providing the perfect source material for an intricately plotted, mood mystery. The movie is in French with English subtitles.

If you decide to forego the movie, tickets to the Canada Cup of Beer are a very reasonable $20 ($25 at the door), which includes 5 drink tokens. Expect the drinks to be sample-sized (1/4th to 1/8th of a pint), and I’d recommend bringing an extra $20 or $40 to ensure that you have enough tokens to sample any beer that strikes your fancy.

You can purchase tickets, find out more details, or just go crazy with excitement here. Enjoy yourself, and of course drink responsibly!

Last modified: July 2, 2008

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