35 Minutes of Burger Heaven


You’ve read a couple quick posts here on Kitsilano.ca about Moderne Burger finally reopening. Well yesterday, Canada Day developed a new meaning for me.

After 14 months of pain and anguish, dreaming of the best burger experience I have ever had…  went to Moderne Burger for lunch.

Oh, it has been a long 14 months without MB. I’ve tried them all, Red Onion, White Spot, Vera’s, Splitz, Earls and the list goes on and on. After searching high and low, east to west and north to south, there simply isn’t a substitute for Moderne Burger. Originally, I went through Moderne Burger withdrawal, more commonly referred to as MBW. I’m sure you experienced the same symptoms such as mourning, craving, anger, resentment, secondary craving and then closure to this emotional time.

Yesterday, I sat down at the counter and was greeting by Peter with a hand shake and a “good to see you again”. I replied back to Peter, “welcome back” as we shook hands firmly. Like my long lost soul-mate, Peter looked me in the eyes and remembered exactly how I like my burger. After 14 months, he just knew. Yesterday was a special day, so I decided to venture down the path of gluttony and do the fries and chocolate milkshake as well. I held off on the whip cream and cherry topping on the milkshake, that would have been beyond gluttony.

As I sat and absorbed the newly completed renovations, I took it all in and suddenly felt like the moon, sun and earth were all back in alignment. I felt a little bit like Marty McFly in Back To The Future, like a little slice of the 1950’s was all mine, just for 35 minutes. Nothing else mattered. Thank God the Flux Capacitor in my vehicle wasn’t on the fritz and I was able to transport myself there. Sure, I could have walked, but with my strategic plan of over eating, there would be no pleasure in walking home after this.

My chocolate shake arrived first!! Cold, smooth, bursting with all natural flavors, I couldn’t get enough! I poured the additional shake into my fountain glass and took a spoon to the cold metal blending container to be sure I got every last drop. Trying not to drink my shake too fast, I eased up knowing the grand finale was on route. Soon enough, my burger and fries arrived. It felt like I sat and waited for 3 hours in anticipation!! Finally, after 14 months of suffering, of trying burgers that were pretenders, the moment had arrived. I opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into my big, juicy, fresh carnivores delight. I was not disappointed.

My burger life flashed before my eyes and it all came back to me. Sensations and taste buds were awakened that lay dormant for far too long. Peter walked by and asked how everything was? With my mouth full and my burger in my right hand, I had acknowledged and saluted Peter with an enthusiastic left thumb up!! There were so many fries, I don’t think I even ate half.

Yesterday, I spent 35 minutes in burger heaven. Then, I was bloated, uncomfortable, I unbuttoned my shorts and had a nap on a glorious and momentous Canada Day.

Moderne Burger on Urbanspoon

Last modified: July 2, 2008

4 Responses to " 35 Minutes of Burger Heaven "

  1. Angie says:

    I am going to have to go back to MB. The last time I went, which was pre-renovation, the shake was too thick, the burgers were fine but not spectacular. For the wait – I was just as happy at Red Onion. But, I will go back. Hopefully I find the heaven everyone else experiences when they go to MB.

  2. Jay Snole says:

    Meh….burger was ok…milkshake was ok.

  3. Raul says:

    Um. No. I respectfully disagree. To be very honest, I prefer Red Onion AND Splitz to Moderne Burger (I’ve reviewed all three on my blog, but the Moderne Burger review will be forthcoming next week). For all the hype, I wasn’t impressed. And neither was my lunch companion.

  4. David Hayes says:

    Splitz is good, I think MB had the edge but I think I’ll need to go back to both to double check :). The best commercial burger I’ve ever had is in Ed’s Diner, London, UK I highly recommend you check them out if you find yourself in the area. I really wish they’d leave the burgers pink and juicy in the middle here but I hear it’s not allowed