Car-Free Day in Kitsilano


The peeps at Vancouver’s Car-Free Day are mixing it up in Kits. On June 15th instead of hosting one big celebration, Kitsilano will come together with a number of smaller block parties. These parties will be as individual as the neighbours who have thrown them, but all will be enjoying the benefit of a car-free street in which to get together with other neighbours and celebrate.

The Kitsilano Block Parties Day organizers assist individual blocks and block areas to pull together their own gathering that will, at the same time, form part of the city-wide Car-Free Day.

Learn how: to connect up with neighbours to engage everyone in the party; to plan for fun- potluck food, “open-mike”, children’s games, street hockey or simply meeting outside in the glorious late spring over coffee; and where to get the street barricades that will allow the party to happen.

If you’re interested in hosting a block party or just want to find out more, email

Last modified: February 9, 2008

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