End of False Creek Fuelling Station?


Had I been a regular reader of Pacific Yachting, this post could have been written back at the beginning of December. But I’m not, and it isn’t until today that the CBC has picked up the story that Imperial Oil is closing down all its marine fuel facilities in coastal B.C., including the last remaining fuelling station in False Creek. Marina.com has some very nice areal shots of the marina.

From the article:

The pending closure will mean boaters who tie up in the harbour will have to make the trip around through First Narrows, under the Lions Gate Bridge, to fuel up in Coal Harbour, a round trip of at least an hour for a power boat, False Creek Esso station manager Allan Keefe told CBC News.

Keefe is concerned that instead of fighting the strong currents that run through First Narrows, many False Creek boaters might start using jerry cans to fill their tanks, resulting in more spillage and harm to the environment.

Imperial Oil is in talks with several parties about selling the station, so all’s not lost yet.

Photo by Sandra Regina

Last modified: February 11, 2008

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