Kitsilano Fashion Turf War?


First there was Gravity Pope announcing they are opening a Gravity Pope Tailored Goods next to their existing and extremely popular shoe store. Now, local fashion rival Spank is advertising the opening of Spank Shoes in
their old location on the corner of 4th and Maple (until recently
the home of Spank spin-off Edith & Bob).

A coincidence…?

Last modified: June 18, 2008

3 Responses to " Kitsilano Fashion Turf War? "

  1. steph says:

    Spank had to do something. That Edith and Bob concept was a money loser from the start. Another women’s shoe store will be great!

    I hope she does an AWESOME shoe store. I’m sick of seeing last years shoes at Gravity Pope still at regular price! Some competition will be good for the womens shoe business in Vancouver. Maybe once women see a choice, they’ll realize Gravity Pope isn’t so wonderful after all.

  2. Diane Verlag says:

    Thank you Spank for challenging the endless arrogance of Gravity Pope.

    I will always support a gutsy local merchant over a self-important corporation like Gravity Pope.

    Good luck, Spank!

  3. Mona says:

    Spank is my favorite store.