Support BC Mags and Win Big


While walking West 4th today I noticed a bus shelter ad promoting BC Magazines so I checked out the BC Association of Magazine Publishers‘ website to learn a little more. It turns the association runs an annual marketing campaign and this year is includes a pretty cool online contest. By filling out their quick survey, you’ll be entered into a contest where you could win two nights at the luxurious Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino, a panoramic aerial tour for two over Vancouver courtesy of Harbour Air, or a $150 gift certificate for dinner at the Salmon House on the Hill in West Vancouver. Not bad prices for a 30 second contest.

Last modified: December 9, 2008

2 Responses to " Support BC Mags and Win Big "

  1. kiley says:

    And the contest is run as part of a campaign for local BC magazines – it’s great to support our own writers, editors, publishers, etc.!

  2. Mark Vane says:

    Hey, I recently added a news widget from to my blog. It shows the latest news, and just took a copy and paste to implement. Might interest you too.