The Pulse of Kits


Condohype is at it again and there’s no point in trying to be wittier than him:

There’s a new condo in Kitsilano. You’re a marketing firm tasked to make an ad that will hold thousands of potential buyers hostage. Your pre-sale launch date is 100 days away. What do you do? What do you do?

Shoot the hostage.

OK, this doesn’t make any sense. But it got the blood pumping. It’s a fitting start for a look at a condo named Pulse. That’s right, Pulse. It’s the latest sensation in Kitsilano condo living since FIRST got there first.

So as for the challenge of creating an ad that will hold potential buyers hostage? Behold a seemingly nude woman with sunglasses as she towers over an urban environment.

Why? Who knows. One guess is that someone at the marketing firm believes this has something to do with Kits, life, culture, and style. I’m thinking it might just be an accident coming out of the company office party. A few drinks among designers, all of a sudden clothes start coming off and a new ad is born. Call it condos gone wild.

Be sure to read the comments.

Last modified: November 18, 2008

One Response to " The Pulse of Kits "

  1. Thanks for turning me on to condohype — I’m looking forward to wasting hours laughing through their archives!