A love letter


Please forgive me my recent lapse in postings.   I, (rather dishonourably), will hold culpable my steady stream of houseguests.  Special thanks to my current visitor, the lovely and brilliant Ann, who has provided me with fodder for a post that is about nothing really in particular, but will nonetheless contain many links! 

We spent her first night in town at Kits Beach, watching the cream of the Italian pyrotechnics crop.   Alas, all too predictably, my friend’s car was towed from the Purdy’s parking lot.   We campus dwellers spent the next hour and a half struggling to find some motorized transport home, a place which grew more tantalizing with every minute we were stranded at a bus stop, surrounded by woefully unfunny teenagers.  By the time we procured a taxi, I was grumpy and the evening ended on a sourish note.

The next night, after a bottle of wine over dinner at my place, Ann and I ventured onto Broadway with every intention of ending up at the Hollywood Theatre to watch the Josh Hartnett vehicle Lucky Number Slevin.  We had about two hours to kill in the neighbourhood.  First stop: Shoe Warehouse, where the clerk proved happily forgiving and unsurprisingly adept at salesmanship, given our slightly tipsy state.  Post-shoe shopping, we hit up Banana Leaf for another bottle of wine and some delicious roti canai, justifiably touted as India’s wonderous gift to Malaysian cuisine. 

In all fairness, we did make a valiant attempt at watching the movie, but once Ann’s lust for theatre popcorn was slaked, we found it damn near impossible to sit still and enjoy the show.   I had an extremely difficult time buying Lucy Liu’s giggly character as a coroner.   The ensuing hour found us being dragged into the (strangely website-less) Copper Tank by someone who recognized Ann from the University of Alberta, then stopping in at The Fringe for a friend’s going away kilt night

The point of this story is that I realized…cheesy but true…that it’s the people who make Kits great.  The people who will laugh with you when you’re drunk and thrilled to finally have your best friend in town for a visit.  Thanks Kits, for stepping up to the plate and showing Ann why I love you so much.

Last modified: June 2, 2008

One Response to " A love letter "

  1. Rob says:

    Kilt night? Who was that? And my car got towed because I didn’t have time to chat up the Purdy’s girls.