Not quite Kits, but worth checking out


For those of us who are trying, slowly but surely, to lessen our footprint on the earth, a trip to the  UBC Market Garden is definitely in order this summer.  While it shares its name with an ill-fated Allied operation in 1944, I think we can be sure that UBC’s version will be less bloody combat, more organic produce.

BardonthebeachAnother idea for summer fun is Bard on the Beach, a Shakespearean festival playing until September 24th at Vanier Park, on the northeastern corner of Kits.  With four different plays over the course of the summer, there should be enough wordy dramedy to please everyone.

Thanks to a tip from my friend who is highly skilled in the art of office procrastination, check out this updated version of paint.

Here’s something for my kindred spirits who are trying to cut back on that most addictive of habits: iTunes.   Like the previous idea, this happy place exists only in cyberspace.  Totally free internet radio with no advertising and an ingenious twist.  Input a favourite song or artist and Pandora will search the Music Genome Project to come up with similar music for you to discover.  Create your (free) account, and it will remember your preferences.  Like having an omniscient music geek friend, minus the inevitable condescension. 

Last modified: July 4, 2006

One Response to " Not quite Kits, but worth checking out "

  1. Painter Pam says:

    Thanks for the link to PAINT – that is sooo cool.