Everyday is Greek Day at Simpatico


Almost forgot about Greek Day this Sunday… probably because we went and weren’t too impressed. The crowd was a lot of fun but the food was a huge disappointment. But if you’re looking for tasty Greek samplers like souvlaki and moussaka this weekend, check out Simpatico at 2222 West 4th instead. They always set up the BBQ on the sidewalk and do Kits Days right.

Simpatico Ristorante on Urbanspoon

Last modified: June 28, 2008

One Response to " Everyday is Greek Day at Simpatico "

  1. miss604 says:

    We’re fans of Simpatico – my husband was on a ‘roast lamb’ kick for a while and swears he had the best *ever* at Simpatico last summer.

    Since then he’s also done a kalamari ‘tour’ of Vancouver. I think our fave lil spot in the West End beats out everything else so far (sorry Kits).