Semi-installed art in Vanier Park


Have you noticed all the cool art around Vancouver lately? Well, it’s part of the inaugural Vancouver Sculpture Biennale – Open Spaces 2005/2006.  The Biennale officially launched in October and highlights the city’s public spaces with 18-months of installation art sculptures from around the world.

RibcagesWhile, Rachael Ashe over at MetroBlogging pointed out her favorite sculpture, there are some pretty cool installs in Kitsilano too. Head down to Vanier park and look out for the series of prehistoric rib-cages. There were plenty of kids playing on these pseudo-half-pipes, so Mikey and I dropped in for a couple passes ourselves. While two of them were rock solid and didn’t move an inch, it seems they forgot to bolt the third one down and an accident it waiting to happen. Don’t worry, I’ve let them know.

Last modified: February 13, 2006

One Response to " Semi-installed art in Vanier Park "

  1. mel says:

    really? they have those rib cages at Vanier park too?… They have some close to the burrard bridge… you’d think they could mix it up more… a giant finger… or *something* different?