24 Hours of straight comedy just East of Kits


I just found out about a 24 Hour Comedy Fundraiser happening at the Beaumont Studios this weekend. Patrick Maliha is running for Vancouver City Council, but more importantly, he’s hosting  a very long comedy show starting tonight at 8pm. The line-up of comics is impressive with Sean Proudlove and Vic Lippucci headlining in the wee hours of the morning. Patrick hinted on Breakfast Television this morning that there might even be a special guest – we all know what that means in Vancouver. Tickets are $20 at the door – mention Breakfast Television and get in for $10. Partial proceeds will go to the Union Gospel Mission of Vancouver.

Last modified: August 19, 2005

One Response to " 24 Hours of straight comedy just East of Kits "

  1. Comedy Fan says:

    Great idea and awesome show! I only managed to take in 90 minutes but it was well worth the $10 – thanks for tip on the discount.

    Keep it up with the site and let Mikey blog more!!!