Adesso the newest contender to take on 1st & Yew


The restaurant scene at Northern Yew (the downhill strip from 1st to Cornwall) has a new player for the summer. Adesso has moved into the frequently rebranded space on the Northwest corner and Tim Pawsey of the Vancouver Courier is a big fan.

Competition for your Kits dining dollar is heating up. These days, the biggest dining news within a clam’s toss of Kits Beach is the unheralded arrival of Adesso Bistro, in the former Saltimbocca (and, more recently, the oh-so-astutely named Yew First). This smart open kitchen, in the hands of Travis Williams (ex-Blue Water and CinCin), came up trumps one recent night when we checked out his take on “modern Italian cuisine.” We were struck by the easy balance of detail and informality of these plates. The style leans to West Coast but is decidedly Italian. Even if the mellifluous tones of our very French server’s omnibus preface of “monsieur, madame…” did have us momentarily confused.

I’ll be checking this new spot out and reporting back on my experience. In the meantime, let’s see how many restaurants we can name that ‘gave it a go’ at this 1st and Yew location – does anyone remember what was there before Yew First and Saltimbocca????, the best online restaurant guide in Vancity, also has great things to say about Travis Williams and his new canvas.

Last modified: April 12, 2008

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