The Hackers are out! Spring is here!!


In most of Canada, there is a time honored tradition in early February when people rely on “Wiartin Willie” the Groundhog to predict how much more winter to expect. You know the drill – if the little rodent can see his shadow, 6 more weeks of winter are on the way. If he can’t see it, expect an early spring. Well, here in Kitsilano we have our own fool proof way of predicting the change of seasons. Yes!! The “hack circle” has started another unforgetable year on the grass right across from Malones. If you could put dedication in a bottle it would include this group, starring none other than… Skater Girl. If you’ve lived in the neighborhood for more than a week, you’ve probably seen this chick a dozen times. No doubt it was on that long board of hers doing giant slalom turns down Yew street at 50 km/h (on her way down to the beach to hack hard). The first official sighting of the group was last Sunday and it put a smile on my face. I knew right then that “shirts off” season was very close. If anyone, and I mean anyone, is ever at the beach on a sunny day between now and October and you don’t see Skater Girl and the hack-circle, run like hell because the world is probably ending.

Last modified: April 12, 2008

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