Why You Should Consider Choosing the Kitsilano Community Centre Water Park over the Granville Island Water Park


The Kitsilano Community Centre Water Park is a superb place to cool down on these hot summer days.
The KCC water park is a superb place to cool down on these hot summer days.

Granville Island may have the biggest free water park in North America with an extremely fun waterslide, but the small water park at the Kitsilano Community Centre has its charms and is well worth a visit this summer.

This small neighbourhood water park has some big advantages for the toddler and the preschool set including:

It’s not busy.  The Kits water park is usually pretty quiet so while your kids play in the water you can chill on the lawn and, if you’re really lucky, read a page or two of a book.

It’s not fancy.  I think the creators of Wipeout based were inspired by Granville Island’s water park.  The threats to your dignity are plentiful: powerful water cannons and hoses, fountains with a mind of their own and a glacially cold waterslide you have to accompany young kids down.  At the Kitsilano water park, the worst that can happen is a light sprinkling and some cold ankles if you must wade in to retrieve a dropped toy.

It’s surrounded by a lawn. There’s space for everyone to lay out a picnic blanket in the sun or shade so your family can spill crackers and berries without disturbing their neighbours.

There’s a great playground too.  You really could spend the entire day here.  Beside the water park is a fenced playground with lots of climbing structures, swings and sand, and the playing fields are the perfect for chasing a ball.

The Kitsilano Community Centre water park, at Connaught Park, 2390 W 10th Avenue, is unsupervised.  The water is only switched on when in use in Spring and Summer.  If the water’s off when you arrive just ask at the front desk and they will turn it on for you.  Enjoy and see you there!

Last modified: July 19, 2013

One Response to " Why You Should Consider Choosing the Kitsilano Community Centre Water Park over the Granville Island Water Park "

  1. Sheila says:

    Shhhh. Don’t tell everyone how nice and quiet it is 😉