Annual Polar Bear Swim almost sets a new record in 2013



Did you hear the yelps and squeals from English Bay yesterday afternoon? 2,233 participants leapt into the icy waters at the 93 annual Polar Bear Swim, a Vancouver New Year’s Day tradition. The water temperature was a cool 7 Celsius, while the air temperature was about 3 C. More tourists than ever before joined in the chilly festivities this year, almost breaking the record for total number of swimmers, while 20,000 spectators watched from shore. Read more here. Meanwhile I saw a few brave souls take the plunge from Kits Beach, Spanish Banks and Jericho, without the support of a cheering crowd.

Did you see any bathers yesterday? Let us know!


Last modified: January 2, 2013

One Response to " Annual Polar Bear Swim almost sets a new record in 2013 "

  1. Bill Barliko says:

    Look at those consarned fools. In my day, I had to walk uphill (both ways, mind) to school at -20F (ahhh, Fahrenheit, there’s a temperature scale you can hang your hat on), fold 2 dozen pyrogy along the way, and stoke the fire in the one room school house, lest the teacher beat me with a stick. Kids these days have it so much easier. Now, where are my slippers?