Everything you need to know about KitsFest August 12-14


Summer on Kits Beach is never dull. We’re stoked about this late summer beach party and sporting event, KitsFest, which takes place August 12-14.


KitsFest celebrates community and healthy living with three vigorous days of sports tournaments. The event has serious scope with sports ranging from basketball, beach tennis and volleyball to weird and wonderful recreation like beach hockey. We’re not kidding. Beach hockey is a real, crowd-drawing sport and it’s going to get its own blog post tomorrow.


August 12-14, 9AM to 8PM daily. Visit the website for more details.


KitsFest takes place on Kits Beach. $5 all-day parking is available with EasyPark at the H.R. MacMillan Planetarium–only a 5 minute walk away.


Because we’re sporty Vancouverites. Sweating makes us happy.

Who runs it? Who participates?

KitsFest was launched in 2009 by the Canada One Foundation. The Canada One Foundation reinvests proceeds from KitsFest into the community. Last year Canada One contributed $50,000 to resurfacing the Kits Beach basketball courts. This year they plan to redo the tennis courts.

KitsFest invites all ages to participate. Sports teams can register in advance on the KitsFest website. Family-friendly activities will take place throughout the event. Think face painting, obstacle courses, games and sports (including public ice skating on the silicone ice rink), plus good eats from local restos.


Skate-able Silicone Gel Ice Rink on Beach | Killer Kid Zone | Face Painting | Beach Tennis | Baseline Bistro with food from LOCAL Public Eatery and Chronic Tacos

Weather Forecast

Sunny | Low of 14°C | High of 23°C.

Last modified: August 10, 2011

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