Fifth Avenue Showtimes


One of the biggest talked about movies of the year is heading to Fifth Ave this weekend. Here is the full rundown of movie times from our favorite Kitsilano theatre and my movie pick for the week.

My Pick for the Weekend

When I first heard about “the Facebook movie” I pretty much dismissed it right away, but now I am lining up with the masses to check it out this weekend. The reviews have all given it the maximum thumbs, stars, and kudos even by the toughest critics – one touting it even the best movie of the year.  Love it or hate it, Facebook does somewhat define this generation and done right the movie will explore the man behind it.

Last modified: October 1, 2010

One Response to " Fifth Avenue Showtimes "

  1. I drink your milkshake says:

    The Town is awesome. Go see it.