Starbucks footprint in Kits on hold


It was big news in March when Starbucks announced its first Canadian store closure at Aberdeen Centre in Richmond.  The mega coffee chain had announced it plans to close 800 outlets in the United States and 100 outlets outside the US, but it was not clear how many of the 365 locations in BC would be shuttered.

It turns out Kitsilano’s newest Starbucks is a casualty before it even got a chance to pull an espresso shot.

The planned Starbucks for the Viridian Green development at West 4th and Colingwood is no longer. The “coming soon” Starbucks sign has been replaced with a “new location” sign for Khatsalano Medical Clinic.

Local cafes must be breathing a sigh of relief now that the juggernaut won’t be moving in.

Last modified: June 10, 2009

4 Responses to " Starbucks footprint in Kits on hold "

  1. Oh crap! This means we have walk, and that’s a maybe, to the next block to spend 6 bucks on a 1000 calorie mocha lattee.

  2. Jody says:

    This is great news!

  3. George says:

    The only difference it makes is people who want a cup of Starbucks has to go a couple of blocks more. I’m glad Starbucks has finally realized it needs to stop saturating neighbourhoods with its outlets. There only needs to be one in each community, not 2 or 3.

  4. sarah says:

    YES! This is great news! We need more local shops and cafes and not more big name brand cafes to take over our city! Vancouver has such a diverse population-shouldn’t we diverse businesses too?