Best Coffee in Kitsilano?


Now that comments are working again on, let’s give this another shot…

Time for another poll and this time the subject matter is coffee. Who’s serves up the best coffee in Kits? Media darling 49th Parallel, veteran Kits Coffee Company, West 4th newcomer Take 5, The Elysian Room, or Wired Monk. The list goes on. In order to be sure we’ve got your favorite coffee shop on the ballot, comment below with your candidates.

And all Starbucks are not created equal – so if the Seattle-based chain gets your vote, be sure to pinpoint your favorite location.

Once we have a complete list, we’ll get the poll underway.

Last modified: April 30, 2008

16 Responses to " Best Coffee in Kitsilano? "

  1. StanTheMan says:

    Kits Beach Starbucks @ Cornwall & Yew.

  2. Erik says:

    Arbutus Coffee (Arbutus & 6th). Their coffee is probably only surpassed by 49th, but they certainly get the edge for decor and their amazing, home-made, baked goods.

  3. My pitch is for Vancouver’s Best Coffee, West 4th and Bayswater. Yum.

  4. ben says:

    49th Parallel by a country mile!!

  5. harper says:

    Favorite coffee on 4th is 49th Parallel Coffee Roasters

    Best pastries in Kits is 49th Parallel Coffee Roasters.

    Its unanimous!

  6. Steve says:

    Kits Coffee at 4th & Yew – been there forever!

  7. Ginger says:

    My fave? Cornerstone Coffee at 4th & Stephens – great staff, great coffee, hands-down winner 🙂

  8. darren says:

    I agree with Ben. In fact, he’s completely right.

  9. Justin G. says:

    -The Italian Café on 4th and Bayswater for espresso and espresso-based beverages, especially since soy-milk doesn’t cost extra.
    -Arbutus & 6th for warm atmosphere, conversation-ability and rustic hearty muffins.
    -Starbucks for brewed coffee, because of it’s consistency, quality, option to order a French-press and resonable brewed coffee price.

  10. kofiman says:

    If you haven’t tried Arbutus coffee do yourself a serious favour and give it a go, the “Bean around the world” coffee is so much better here than elsewhere and the baked goods are to die for…
    My 2 cents worth…

  11. abba says:

    Very good post, thanks!

  12. foodess says:

    Definitely the Corner Cup at 4th and Blenheim. Great (organic/fair-trade) coffee, super friendly staff, and yummy treats (including gelato for the summer!)

  13. Andy says:

    Arbutus Coffee! gets my vote every morning 🙂

  14. Jimi Hendridx says:

    Kits Coffee because sexy girls work there and they always wear tight yoga pants.