Another Big Retailer Setting Foot on 4th


Footlocker_4thFor months I have been wondering what would go into 2173 West 4th Avenue.  The Urban Puppy Shop made a quiet exit a few months ago, upon which the old building was torn down and replaced with a big bright new box.

At first I had high hopes of a great new restaurant ala Fuel or Gastropod, but the distinct lack of a kitchen quickly squashed those. This was destined to be retail. Boring retail, it turns out. There’s a poster in the window, announcing that this will be the new home of a Foot Locker outlet. This certainly continues the trend of big retail chains opening on 4th; first Reitmans, then Le Château, and now Foot Locker.

Last modified: February 10, 2010

7 Responses to " Another Big Retailer Setting Foot on 4th "

  1. Rob says:

    This really is too bad. Foot Locker should stick to the malls. Didn’t they read this post about the plight of the FILA store on West 4th:

  2. kitsgirl says:

    didnt footlocker go out of business in the mid ninety’s??? who shops there??? 4th ave. is going down hill fast with all these shitty small town mall stores going in………pretty soon we will have to go to the mall to get the good stores!! SOOO DISSAPOINTING!! at least this footlocker will probably tank in a couple months and THEN we will get something great!! 🙂 here’s hoping!

  3. M says:

    I’m really saddened by the takeover of chain stores on 4th. I make a point to only shop at the boutiques around here because I’m sick of the cookie-cutter-slave-labour clothes of chain stores. People need to realize that yes, items will cost more when they’re produced ethically but what do you want to support with your money? Maybe buying less is better, and saving money for well made locally produced items is better too.

    I don’t want 4th to become Robson, but how can we stop this???