Pizza Math at Rocky Mountain Flatbread


Rocky Mountain Flatbread continues to impress me as the most kid-friendly restaurant in Kitsilano – I’ve never seen a place with so many high-chairs. On top of that they make the best pizza in town likely because of their commitment to all natural organic ingredients.

While trying to make a decision last night on whether to get a regular or large spicy pepperoni pizza, our waitress mentioned that she had just blogged about the math behind the decision thanks to the work of a couple keen customers.

Curious to know whether the price increase over the 10″ was worth the extra money, Keo and Stan calculated the exact area increase of a 13″ pizza from a 10″ – answering the very question that boggles customers when faced with how much pizza to order. With only a borrowed pen and a scrap piece of paper, Keo and Stan calculated that a 13″ pizza is a 69% increase in area to a 10″, with a price increase of 63%.

Last modified: July 15, 2010

6 Responses to " Pizza Math at Rocky Mountain Flatbread "

  1. Aaron Wakling says:

    I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you.

  2. David says:

    Rocky Mountain Flatbread is indeed probably the best pizza in town, and they are a really nice place to go to in the summer, when they open up the front. Hot, fresh organic pizzas + beer + summer night = good times, with kids or not.

    Rocky Mountain Flatbread comes close (but not quite) to American Flatbread, a pizza restaurant that’s on an organic farm in Vermont, and which I can say without hesitation is the best pizza I’ve ever tasted. The difference is that American Flatbread bakes their pies in a huge, neolithic oven hollowed out of a boulder.

    Rocky Mountains is also across the street from The Smoking Dog Bistro, which is a good restaurant (although we’ve had 2 meals there, 1 exceptional, the other, fair)

  3. christine says:

    I’m not sure if Rocky Mountain Flatbread is the best in town. I still think that Lombardo’a has the BEST pizza. And now that they’ve opened up their restaurant downtown, it’s so convenient.

    Having said that I think that Rocky Mountain Flatbread is a pretty cool place. The first time I went there, there was a birthday party just wrapping up and the place was complete chaos. It looked like a tornado had hit the place. Yet the staff was very calm and once we were out of the party area, you didn’t even know what was going on next door.

    It clearly demonstrated to me that Rocky Mountain is taking the right marketing strategy and knows who their audience is. Let’s hope that it sticks around for a long time.

  4. Todd says:

    OK I’ll have to give this place a try. I usually shy away from gimmicky names like Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company – why not just add & Sons, Inc. to complete the cliche? But, names aside, I’m going to check it out.