Out with the Cheap Pasta, in with the Hipster Steak


Where would gastronomy loving Vancouverites be without Urban Diner? I have only been posting for a couple of months, but so far all inspiration for posts about restaurant news have come directly from UD. Things are no different in this post; both upcoming changes in the 1800 block of West 4th have been previously reported over at UD.

On the south side, Chianti Cafe is closing down after 19 years. Having only been there once, I’m not sure whether I’m going to miss them. While I love a good pasta, we rarely go out for it. It’s one of those foods that is so easy to have at home – especially with Raviolino’s help. It just never occurs to us to “waste” our precious babysitter nights on pasta or pizza. However, I think it’s about time we try out Presto Cucina and Incendio‘s Kitsilano location.

On the north side, a new project by the folks behind Browns Social House called Pinkys Steakhouse will open their doors in the near future. They are set to take over Thai Yummy‘s old spot at 1873 West 4th. Given the reviews here, the closing of Thai Yummy is not too surprising, especially with the increased competition they must have felt from the popular Noodle Box. I’m hoping that Pinkys will transcend the formulaic Casual Dining experience and actually give us a good steakhouse.

Last modified: June 11, 2008

3 Responses to " Out with the Cheap Pasta, in with the Hipster Steak "

  1. Tamara says:

    Oh! That’s sad that Chianti is closing. We just started going there recently. Husband especially enjoys the pasta with meatballs. He always means to leave half the portion to take home, but can’t stop himself, not normal at all for him. (See what this says about MY cooking!!). It’s a guilty pleasure to go there. Not everything on the menu was good though — with the huge unfocused menu it seems like a prime spot for Restaurant Makeover. Still… place was full of people on seats most evenings I’ve been there!

  2. Fred says:

    With great sadness I have to announce Chianti Cafe has to close forever.After 19 years and millions of memories we have shut down.

    Increased competition,a fast changing neighbourhood, Vancouver city council’s parking policies that allows more and more restaurants to open in each block, Carbs are bad for you, I could say things about a certain landlord but I will not the list goes on….many…many reasons.

    19 years is a great run but it is over and to all of you who are regulars I am so sorry it ends this way…let me know visit and add your comments

    Life goes on..some new hot trendy place will replace Chianti’s but it will not be there 19 years later like Chianti was.Not going to happen.Vancouver is a tough town and its a lot harder than when a skinny 21 year old kid open the doors in 1988 with a dream.

    From all the former staff and myself we Salute all the great customers even the rotten ones to!

    Again I would love to hear from please visit our blog to leave any comments. I will be adding some recipes of the best Chianti dishes and answer some of your questions here is the blog http://chianticafe.blogspot.com/

    Thank-You for the business!

    Chianti Vancouver

  3. Steve0 says:

    Mmmm Chianti – the Westside’s answer to Anton’s Pasta Bar on East Hastings. You’ll always have leftovers the next day.