Kitsilano School of Rock


Via, here’s a last minute post about a great event happening tonight in Kits.

Are you thinking of Jack Black’s “School of Rock,” or are having a flashback to a scene from the VH1 series “Gene Simmons’ Rock School”? Take the eccentric teachers out of the equation and you’ve got the Kitsilano Rock School, a rock band rehearsal program that runs three 12 week semesters during the school year, with a live performance at the end of each term. If you have a rocker in your little one, here’s a place where he or she can develop that special noise talent. But don’t take my word for it.

Kitsilano Rock School’s “Kids Wanna Rock 5” is tonight at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:30pm) at the Canadian Memorial United Church at Burrard $ West 15th. Admission is by donation – for more information, contact Dave Danylchuk by email or at 604-737-4984. Rock on.

Last modified: December 9, 2008

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