Wardrobe provided by Staccato


Considering I grew up watching Sportspage, you’d think I’d have visited Staccato a little more often once moving to Kits. But no, I ventured there for the first time a couple weeks ago while helping former Kits-blogger Mikey find the perfect suit for his beach wedding next month in Mexico. I guess that explains his lack of posts – he’s been too busy falling in love.

I’ve got to say that the guys at Staccato impressed me. Great customer service, practical advice, and an interesting mix of clothing lines that include Boss Orange Label, Ben Sherman, and the exclusive rights to Tiger of Sweden. This explains why so many Swedish Canucks shop here and apparently is the main reason Sopes wanted back in Vancity.

Staccato was just named the Best Men’s Clothing Store by Vancouver’s West Ender. Not a bad accomplishment for an 18 year veteran of Rodeo Kits.

Last modified: March 1, 2007

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