Look out for Buster!


It’s time again for Vancouver’s signature summer event, the HSBC Celebration of Light and for the first time in history, four countries will be competing – Italy, China, Czech Republic and Mexico. What happened to Canada?!?

BustersIf you live in Lower Kits be prepared for gridlock and Buster’s tow-trucks circling like sharks. If you’re trekking in from outside of the city-limits, don’t dare disobey a parking sign or your car will be gone before you can get your blanket and contraband beers across Cornwall Ave. Good luck – the show starts at 10pm sharp.

Last modified: July 25, 2006

One Response to " Look out for Buster! "

  1. Towed! says:

    Buster was at it last night. Those f@#*ers are fast.