Urban NOT Well


For the next 38 days the Urban Well on Yew Street is closed for business. The Liquor Control and Licensing Board is shutting down the Well for… wait for it… Dancing!

Under the Well’s liquor licence, patrons cannot participate in any entertainment on site. GM Trevor Havixbeck was quoted in the Straight on this strange violation. “Our DJ’s are allowed to spin all night, but no one’s allowed to get up and dance… Granted, for a few years we were pushing the limits of our licence because we felt it [was] unjust and we applied for extensions to allow for that, but they wouldn’t go for it because of the zoning issue in the area.”

It’s funny, having been a regular at the Well in the past, I would have guessed liquor violations. Malone’s across the street must be salivating at this opportunity. I’m sure a few people will make the mistake of assuming that Malone’s isn’t a bad alternative. All will be back to normal on North Yew on April 17th when the Well reopens after a interior face-lift and new menu.

Last modified: March 10, 2006

2 Responses to " Urban NOT Well "

  1. March 10…Another Black Friday. I’m looking forward to seeing the Well after the renovations. I just hope they keep the Sammie-style glasses.

  2. Bill says:

    Didn’t the Urban Well downtown get shutdown for the same reason?