You heard it here first: Sophie’s is for tourists


Our friends over at the Georgia Straight confirmed what we told you back when we started this blog. Sophie’s Cosmic Cafe is for tourists!

Sophie’s is great, but it’s for tourists and fresh transplants from Ontario. You’re beyond that now. You are a West Coaster. You have stopped using an umbrella. You’re one of us now. Stop lining up for breakfast like one of them. Head on down the street to Cafe Zen.

Now that Tangerine has closed it doors, Cafe Zen and the Sunset Grill are your best choices on ‘Northern Yew’ for breakfast. If you’re looking to venture West, check out Enigma on West 10th. Mikey and I had brunch there yesterday and it was solid – look for Mikey’s post on it soon.

Sophie's Cosmic Cafe in Vancouver

Last modified: September 25, 2005

One Response to " You heard it here first: Sophie’s is for tourists "

  1. Bret says:

    Sophie’s clientelle consists of a high percentage of regulars from the neighbourhood that have been supporting the restaurant for years. It does not need tourists for it’s continued success.