Watermark on Kits Beach by Canada Day


Today in the Vancouver Sun, Sandra Thomas shed some light on the unfinished steel and concrete frame we have come to know as The Restaurant at Kits Beach. Turns out the actual name is Watermark on Kits Beach and it should be operational before July 1st. With almost 200 seats, Watermark will open for lunch and dinner year-round, seven days a week. The head chef at Watermark is Lynda Larouche, formerly from Seasons Restaurant in Queen Elizabeth Park and the Teahouse Restaurant in Stanley Park. For those of you that follow the restaurant scene in Vancouver, Lynda was a contributor to ‘Vancouver Cooks‘ in 2004… that puts her in fine company along with other recipe contributors: Pino Posteraro of Cioppino’s, Rob Feenie of Lumeire, and Vikram Vij of Vij’s.

Last modified: May 31, 2005

2 Responses to " Watermark on Kits Beach by Canada Day "

  1. Anonymous says:

    They’re gonna totally finish that thing in a month! What a joke. Since I moved to Kits in September they’ve been working on that thing. I dunno about the whole idea of that restaurant being there. It’ll be a real balancing act for them to get the mix between overpriced food and the beach crowd right. I look forward to seeing how this is gonna go.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Its such a shame that a beautiful gem of a park should be sullied by such an massive and ugly pile of concrete and steel. And for what? Another lousy restaurant? While visiting Vancouver I always find hundreds and hundred of people enjoying that park and I know of few other parks or waterfront spaces as active and energetic as Kits Beach. Don’t you Vancouverites know what you’ve got in with your public waterfront parks? In Rio and Sydney the locals would protest such destruction of their beautiful waterfront. You people are lame!